11.05.2020 Four NEW Employees Test Positive

Dear Family and Friends,

Trinity Care Center conducted Point Prevalence Testing (PPT) on Monday 11/2/20. This week we had four employees test positive for COVID-19. We have had no residents test positive at this time, with two results pending. We will be testing again on Monday 11/9/20. We follow all recommendations from MDH, CDC and CMS. 

Trinity Care Center is currently operating under quarantine and is not eligible for indoor visits at this time.  To schedule your visit or for more information about our visitation policy, please contact Joy Lauterbach at 651.460.1138. 

Our top priority is to support and protect our residents and dedicated caregivers. We have equipped our staff with the training and supplies needed to provide safe, quality care, services and support to our residents. We continue to urge everyone in our community to practice proper hand hygiene and safe physical distancing.

Please follow our Facebook page (@Farmington Health Services) or our website (www.sfhs.org) for all COVID updates and information on what is happening inside our care center. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Elizabeth Letich, Administrator, at 651-460-1138 or eletich@trinity.sfhs.org if you have any questions or concerns.