Trinity Renovation Project 2023 – 2024

Trinity Care Center announces contract with VA

Trinity Care Center has entered into a contract with the Minneapolis Veterans Health Administration.

The VHA contracts with a select group of nursing homes for service on behalf of its veterans. Currently, there are 63 nursing homes in the Minneapolis Veterans Administration Health Care System coverage area with VHA contracts. VHA will pay for nursing home care if the veteran meets eligibility criteria which include service connected status.

Service connected status refers to the relationship of a veteran’s disability due to military service.

Elizabeth Letich, Trinity Campus administrator had been looking for ways to provide long term care services to veterans and this contract has proved beneficial for local veterans.

“Trinity is proud to be able to provide care to the men and women who served, putting their lives on the line to protect ours,” Letich said.

Questions regarding eligibility for long term care services with Trinity can be directed to Trinity’s social worker, Robin Bisel at 651-460-1155. Trinity Care Center is located at 3410 213th Street and is part of the St. Francis Health System.

Trinity recognizes all veterans we provide services to throughout the year.  Upon admission, residents are asked if they are a former veteran.  If resident is a former veteran we honor and recognize them by posting a veteran’s plaque outside the resident’s room.