10.02.2020 NO NEW CASES!

October 2nd, 2020
The results from the 9th round of Point Prevalence Testing (PPT) has come back. At this time, we have had no additional staff or residents test positive for COVID-19. Our staff will be routinely tested weekly according to CMS guidelines. Our next round of routine staff testing will take place on 10/6/2020.

Please know we continue to offer outdoor visitation (for those not in quarantine), window visits and virtual visits in an on-going effort to decrease the impact the virus may have on residents. Please contact Joy at 651-460-1166 to schedule your visit in advance.

The coming cooler months will continue to challenge us in limiting the impact of COVID-19 on our community. It is important for each of us to think about how our actions affect others we come in contact with. We must protect one another. You are a key partner in the safe reopening of our care center, please remember to social distance, wear a mask, and practice proper hand hygiene. Remember to stay home if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

We truly appreciate your patience as we prepare to expand visits and other activities within our care campus. We all look forward to the days ahead when we’re able to enjoy the simple pleasures of hugs, handshakes, and warm in-person greetings again.

Please follow our Facebook page (@Farmington Health Services) for all COVID updates and information on what is happening in our care center. We appreciate all the support, prayers, and offers of help that we’ve received. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact Elizabeth Letich, Administrator, at 651-460-1138 or eletich@trinity@sfhs.org.